Summer in Berlin 2015

Tempelhofer Feld

This summer. Enjoying the heat. Berlin has been pleasant this year. The heat lingered long and in the midth of december it is still warm. It has been months of new encounters and projects, good byes and decisions. Not the easiest time, but lessons learned.

I had to learn to pause again.

There was this aching pain in my shoulder. This and my skin worsening are a sure sign of stress. I wanted that stress, I even invited that stress as I saw it not as something negative, but a learning experience. Dedication is good, but I lost sight of other things. I did not know how to enjoy a moment anymore with my mind being corrupted by thoughts of the next thing to do.

I went to a café and had a coffee and a book. No memo pad, no laptop, only me, that book and a coffee.

I forced myself to take that pause and it was hard.

When did I unlearn to pause?! I remember my long sessions of writing diary in cafés during my uni years. My diary has been outdated for three years... I'm still in the process of pinpointing that problem. I'm on it.

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