Day One

I put up my silhouette cat deco thing that travels everywhere with me, looked at those cute houses and was charmed. Hello Tübingen, hello Swabia, hello very German mentality. Yet another chapter has opened: I registered for a miles&more program, have two apartments and split my time between Tübingen (three quarters) and Berlin (one quarter). I remember talking to those people on my car rides to Berlin and that I pitied them for going back and forth between two places all the time. Restless, because they are never really there. Well, here we are.

This household starts at zero: A fresh tomato, some olives, simit, an egg sunny-side up and a coffee. Furnished flat, doesn't mean equipped with all necessary things you need. I knew that, but it threw me back eight years when I moved into my first apartment. Sure, I had plates and cups and even a rice cooker, but then I wanted to open a can and didn't have a can opener. Or tupperware! Even a silly thing like a rubber band. Or in this case some oil to fry the egg. What you value as important is not necessarily essential to living in that place. I call them non-self-refillers. It's the toilet paper or soap you have to keep in mind for next grocery shopping, otherwise you are not happy next time when you use the bathroom. You take them for granted somehow as always there, but now Mom's not there anymore to refill them.

Hi from Tübingen, more on the arrangements here soon :)

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